The Futuhat

37 books, 19 Volumes

List of Contents

• The first section is on maʿārif (recognitions) •

  • Chapter 1: On maʿrifah of the Spirit from whom I took from a segmentation of his configured body what I was made to write into this book, and of the mysteries there were between me and him.

    Chapter 2: On maʿrifah of the step-levels of the letters and the vowels in the cosmos, and what they have of the Beautiful Divine Names, and maʿrifah of the words which may seem to be declaring God similar to creation, and maʿrifah of knowledge, the knower, and the known.

  • Chapter 3: On the tanzīh (transcendence) of the True beyond what is enfolded in the words which are applied to Him in His Book and on the tongue of His Messenger which may seem to be a likening and a declaring of the corporeality of the Divine.

    Chapter 4: On the reason for the beginning of the world; and its configuration, and the step-levels of the Beautiful Names in the world.

    Chapter 5: On maʿrifah of mysteries of bismiʾllāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm - from one perspective, not from every perspective.

    Chapter 6: On maʿrifah of the beginning of the spirit-being creation, and who was the first to come into existence there, and whence he came into existence, and for what he came into existence, and from what template he came into existence, and for whose sake he came into existence, and what is his end goal. And maʿrifah of the orbits of the greater world and the lesser.

    Chapter 7: On maʿrifah of the beginning of the human bodies, and he is the last species created in the greater world, and the last kind of reproducing beings.

    Chapter 8: On maʿrifah of the Earth, which was created from the leftover fermented clay of Adam . She is called a True Earth. And the story of some of the strange and wondrous things in her.

    Chapter 9: On maʿrifah of the flame-mixed, fire-based spirits.

    Chapter 10: On maʿrifah of the orbit of the Kingdom; and the first thing separated in the orbit from the first created being, and the last thing separated in the orbit from the last thing separated in turn from that thing; and why the place separated out is populated by both of the two; and God preparing this kingdom until her great king comes; and the rank of the people between the time of Jesus and Muḥammad .

    Chapter 11: On maʿrifah of our fathers who are higher ones and our mothers who are lower ones.

    Chapter 12: On maʿrifah of the orbit of the master of the world, Muḥammad and that the time period in his moment circles around to the shape it was on the day God created it.

    Chapter 13: On maʿrifah of the bearers of the Throne; and they are Isrāfīl, Adam, Mīkāʾīl, Ibrāhīm, Gabriel, and Muḥammad, and Riḍwān and Mālik .

    Chapter 14: On maʿrifah of the mysteries of the prophets-friends, and the Pivots of the communities, from Adam to Muḥammad - and that the Pivot is 1 since God created him, and he does not die, and where his dwelling place is.

    Chapter 15: On maʿrifah of the breaths, and maʿrifah of their Pivots (aqṭāb, sg. quṭb) who are verified by them, and their mysteries.

    Chapter 16: On maʿrifah of the lower alighting places, and the knowings based on the newly created universe, and the origination of a recognition of God based on them, and maʿrifah of the four Cardinal Pegs, and the seven persons who are the Alternates, and who among the upper spirits places them in charge, and the arrangement of their orbits.

  • Chapter 17: On maʿrifah of the transfer of cosmic sciences, and fragments of the Divine sciences, the replenishers, the originals.

    Chapter 18: On maʿrifah of the knowledge of the ones who pray at night (the tahajjud), and what is connected to tahajjud of issues, and its valuation in the step-levels of knowledges, and what comes from it of sciences in the existence of being.

    Chapter 19: On the reason for the deficit of knowledges and their increases; and His word, Say: Lord, increase me in knowledge; and his word, ‘God does not constrain knowledge by removal, removing it from the chests of the knowledgeable ones - but He constrains it by constraining (taking away in death) the knowledgeable ones’; the ḥadỉth continues.

    Chapter 20: On maʿrifah of knowledge of Jesus, and where it comes from, and to where it goes finally, and how. And whether it is connected to the ‘lengthwise’ of the world, or its ‘widthwise’, or both.

    Chapter 21: On maʿrifah of the three knowledges of existence, and the interpolation of one of them into another.

    Chapter 22: On maʿrifah of the manzil and the manāzil (pl.), and the arrangement of the whole of cosmic sciences.

    Chapter 23: On maʿrifah of the protected Pivots, and mysteries of the manāzil of their protection.

    Chapter 24: On maʿrifah of what comes from the existence knowledges, and what is included in it of strange wonders, and who reaches them among the people, and the step-levels of their Pivots, and mysteries of the sharing between two Laws, and the hearts desirous of the breaths, and their origin, and at what number end their manāzil.

    Chapter 25: On maʿrifah of the Peg singled out, of lengthened age. And mysteries of the Pivots who are differentiated into four kinds among the people. A secret of the manzil and the manāzil, and who enters it (the secret) among the people.

    Chapter 26: On maʿrifah of the Pivots of symbols, and their signaling their secrets and their knowledges.

    Chapter 27: On maʿrifah of the Pivots of ‘Come connect, I intend your being connected to me’ - it is from a manzil of the light world - and their mysteries.

    Chapter 28: On maʿrifah of the Pivots of ‘Do you not see how?’

    Chapter 29: On maʿrifah of a mystery of Salmān the Farsī, who was attached to the people of the House, and the Pivots from whom he inherited, and a maʿrifah of their mysteries.

    Chapter 30: On maʿrifah of the first degree and the second degree among the Pivots who are the composite retinue.

    Chapter 31: On maʿrifah of the origins of the composite retinue.

    Chapter 32: On maʿrifah of the Pivots who oversee, among the people of the second division of the composite retinue.

    Chapter 33: On maʿrifah of the Pivots of intentionality and their mysteries, and the mechanics of their origins.

    Chapter 34: On maʿrifah of a person who verifies for oneself at the level of the breaths; and specified by these breaths are matters I shall mention.

    Chapter 35: On maʿrifah of this person who is verified in the manzil of the breaths and his mysteries after his death.

    Chapter 36: On maʿrifah of the Jesus ones and their Pivots, and their origins.

    Chapter 37: On maʿrifah of the Jesus Pivots and their mysteries.

    Chapter 38: On maʿrifah of the one among the Pivots who is given to see the Muḥammadī station but does not attain it.

    Chapter 39: On maʿrifah of the manzil to which the friend is descended when the True exiles him, may God heal us and you, and what is connected to this manzil of strange wonders and Divine sciences, and maʿrifah of mysteries of the Pivots of this manzil.

    Chapter 40: On maʿrifah of a manzil neighboring partial knowledge (of existence sciences), and its arrangement, and its strange wonders, and its Pivots.

  • Chapter 41: On maʿrifah of the people of the night and their different degrees and their distinctions in their step-levels, and mysteries of their Pivots.

    Chapter 42: On maʿrifah of chivalry and the young warriors, and their stations and their degrees, and mysteries of their Pivots.

    Chapter 43: On maʿrifah of a group of Pivots who are extreme ascetics, and the general ones in that station.

    Chapter 44: On maʿrifah of the bahālīl, and their leaders in bahlalah.

    Chapter 45: On maʿrifah of one who returns after arriving, and who makes him return.

    Chapter 46: On maʿrifah of the little knowledge and who gets it among the integrated ones.

    Chapter 47: On maʿrifah of mysteries and a description of the lower alighting places, and their stations, and how the ʿárif rests upon his remembrance of his beginning f, and his yearning for her despite the great height of his station, and what the secret is which is given in tajallì to him so he will be called to that.

    Chapter 48: On maʿrifah of ‘It is like this for that’.

    Chapter 49: On maʿrifah of ‘I have found a Breath of al-Raḥmān from Yemen,’ and maʿrifah of this manzil and its Men.

    Chapter 50: On maʿrifah of Men who are confused and unable.

    Chapter 51: On maʿrifah of the Men among the people of extreme asceticism who have verified for themselves a manzil of the Breath of al-Raḥmān.

    Chapter 52: On maʿrifah of the reason the person of kashf will flee from the unseen to the seen world.

    Chapter 53: On maʿrifah of what is cast to the aspirant from his self, such as daily lessons to be practiced before the advent of the shaykh.

    Chapter 54: On maʿrifah of the ishārāt (gestures).

    Chapter 55: On maʿrifah of the satanic khawāṭir (incoming thoughts).

    Chapter 56: On maʿrifah of investigation (istiqrāʾ) and its validity and invalidity.

    Chapter 57: On maʿrifah of the arrival of ilhām (inspiration) in one of the indicative categories, and maʿrifah of the soul.

    Chapter 58: On maʿrifah of the mustadillīn people of ilhām and maʿrifah of Divine knowledge effusing over the heart; thus it differentiates his khawāṭir and the uncontrolled utterances coming with the incoming thoughts.

    Chapter 59: On maʿrifah of the time period, the being, and the predestined measurement.

    Chapter 60: On maʿrifah of the elements, and the dominion of the upper universe over the lower universe, and in which orbit is the presence of this universe of human beings compared with the orbits of the outermost celestial bodies, and which spirit-being watches us.

    Chapter 61: On maʿrifah of Jahannam and the greatest of the created beings tormented in her, and maʿrifah of some of the upper world.

    Chapter 62: On maʿrifah of the step-levels of the Fire.

    Chapter 63: On maʿrifah of the remnant of people in the barzakh between this world and the general Resurrection.

    Chapter 64: On maʿrifah of the Day of Arising and her manāzil, and the hows of the general Resurrection.

  • Chapter 65: On maʿrifah of the Garden, and her houses, and her steps, and what is connected by this chapter.

    Chapter 66: On maʿrifah of a secret of the Law (sharìʿah, f), outwardly and inwardly, and which Divine name brought her into being.

    Chapter 67: On maʿrifah of No god but God, Muḥammad is the Messenger of God.

    Chapter 68: On maʿrifah of mysteries of purity.

  • Chapter 69: On maʿrifah of mysteries of prayer.

  • (Chapter 69 continued)

  • Chapter 70: On maʿrifah of mysteries of charity.

  • Chapter 71: On maʿrifah of mysteries of fasting.

  • Chapter 72: On maʿrifah of ḥajj, and maʿrifah of its rituals, and verses of its generous House. And what the True showed me of mysteries of the ṭawāf during my circling (ṭawāf) of the House.

  • Chapter 73: On maʿrifah of the count of what is reached of the mysteries for the seer upon the facing-toward and turning-away, and how many turn away from the facing-toward.

  • (Part two of Chapter 73)

• The second section is on the muʿāmalāt (interactions) •

  • Chapter 74: On tawbah.

    Chapter 75: On leaving tawbah.

    Chapter 76: On struggle.

    Chapter 77: On leaving struggle.

    Chapter 78: On retreat.

    Chapter 79: On leaving retreat.

    Chapter 80: On disassociation.

    Chapter 81: On leaving disassociation.

    Chapter 82: On fleeing.

    Chapter 83: On leaving fleeing.

    Chapter 84: On taqwá of God.

    Chapter 85: On taqwá characterized by the veil and the curtain.

    Chapter 86: On taqwá of the worldly limits.

    Chapter 87: On taqwá of the Fire.

    Chapter 88: On maʿrifah of mysteries of the principles of the roots of the Law.

    Chapter 89: On maʿrifah of the nawāfil in general.

    Chapter 90: On maʿrifah of mysteries of the required and the voluntary.

    Chapter 91: On maʿrifah of extreme asceticism and its mysteries.

    Chapter 92: On maʿrifah of leaving extreme asceticism.

    Chapter 93: On maʿrifah of zuhd and its mysteries.

    Chapter 94: On maʿrifah of a station leaving zuhd.

    Chapter 95: On maʿrifah of mysteries of generosity and liberality and munificence and preference, for the special and for the non-special, with seeking compensation and leaving it.

    Chapter 96: On maʿrifah of silence and its mysteries.

    Chapter 97: On maʿrifah of a station of speech and its mysteries.

    Chapter 98: On maʿrifah of a station of staying up at night and its mysteries.

    Chapter 99: On maʿrifah of a station of sleeping and its mysteries.

    Chapter 100: On maʿrifah of a station of fear and its mysteries.

    Chapter 101: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving fear and its mysteries.

    Chapter 102: On maʿrifah of a station of hope and its mysteries.

    Chapter 103: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving hope and its mysteries.

    Chapter 104: On maʿrifah of a station of sorrow and its mysteries.

    Chapter 105: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving sorrow and its mysteries.

    Chapter 106: On maʿrifah of a station of hunger and its mysteries.

    Chapter 107: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving hunger and its reasons. (Q has ‘mysteries’).

  • Chapter 108: On maʿrifah of fitnah and shahwat and companionship of the young and the women and taking friends from among them, and when the aspirant makes friends.

    Chapter 109: On maʿrifah of the difference between lust and desire, and between the lust which is for us in this world and lust which is for us in the Garden, and the difference between pleasure and lust, and maʿrifah of a station of one who desires and who is desired, and who does not desire and is not desired, and who desires but is not desired, and who does not desire but is desired.

    Chapter 110: On maʿrifah of a station of mysteries of humility and lowliness.

    Chapter 111: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving humility and lowliness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 112: On maʿrifah of opposing the soul f and her mysteries (here and in some of the following chapter titles, ‘of a station’ is omitted).

    Chapter 113: On maʿrifah of a station m of helping the soul in her goals and his (its) mysteries.

    Chapter 114: On maʿrifah of a station of jealousy and ghabṭ, and what is praiseworthy and blameworthy in the two.

    Chapter 115: On maʿrifah of a station of ghībat and its praiseworthy and blameworthy aspects.

    Chapter 116: On maʿrifah of a station of contentment f and her mysteries.

    Chapter 117: On a maʿrifah of a station of covetousness and envy.

    Chapter 118: On maʿrifah of a station of reliance and its mysteries.

    Chapter 119: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving reliance.

    Chapter 120: On maʿrifah of a station of thankfulness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 121: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving thankfulness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 122: On maʿrifah of a station of certainty and its mysteries.

    Chapter 123: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving certainty and its mysteries.

    Chapter 124: On maʿrifah of a station of patience and its divisions, and its mysteries.

    Chapter 125: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving patience, and its mysteries.

    Chapter 126: On self-awareness and her mysteries (maʿrifah is omitted).

    Chapter 127: On leaving awareness and her station and its mysteries.

    Chapter 128: On riḍā and its mysteries.

    Chapter 129: On leaving riḍā and its mysteries.

    Chapter 130: On worship and its mysteries.

    Chapter 131: On leaving worship and its mysteries.

    Chapter 132: On maʿrifah of a station of evenness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 133: On maʿrifah of leaving evenness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 134: On maʿrifah of a station of sincerity and its mysteries.

    Chapter 135: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving sincerity and its mysteries.

    Chapter 136: On maʿrifah of a station of truthfulness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 137: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving truthfulness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 138: On maʿrifah of a station of shyness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 139: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving shyness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 140: On maʿrifah of a station of freedom and her mysteries.

    Chapter 141: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving freedom and its mysteries.

    Chapter 142: On maʿrifah of a station of dhikr and its mysteries.

    Chapter 143: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving dhikr and its mysteries.

    Chapter 144: On maʿrifah of a station of thinking and its mysteries.

    Chapter 145: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving thinking and its mysteries.

    Chapter 146: On maʿrifah of a station of chivalry and its mysteries.

    Chapter 147: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving chivalry and its mysteries.

    Chapter 148: On maʿrifah of a station of firāsat and its mysteries.

    Chapter 149: On maʿrifah of a station of khuluq and its mysteries.

    Chapter 150: On maʿrifah of a station of jealousy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 151: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving jealousy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 152: On maʿrifah of a station of authority and its mysteries.

    Chapter 153: On maʿrifah of a station of human authority and its mysteries which are included in Divine authority.

    Chapter 154: On maʿrifah of a station of angelic authority and its mysteries.

    Chapter 155: On maʿrifah of a station of prophecy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 156: On maʿrifah of a station of prophecy for humans and its mysteries.

    Chapter 157: On maʿrifah of a station of angelic prophecy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 158: On maʿrifah of a station of risālat and its mysteries.

    Chapter 159: On maʿrifah of a station of risālat for humans and its mysteries.

    Chapter 160: On maʿrifah of a station of angelic risālat.

    Chapter 161: On maʿrifah of a station which is between prophecy and truth-saying.

  • Chapter 162: On maʿrifah of a station of poverty and its mysteries.

    Chapter 163: On maʿrifah of a station of richness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 164: On maʿrifah of a station of right of disposal and its mysteries.

    Chapter 165: On maʿrifah of a station of verification and verifying for oneself.

    Chapter 166: On maʿrifah of a station of wisdom and wise ones.

    Chapter 167: On maʿrifah of a station of a chemistry of felicity and its mysteries.

    Chapter 168: On maʿrifah of a station of courtesy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 169: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving courtesy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 170: On maʿrifah of a station of companionship and its mysteries.

    Chapter 171: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving companionship and its mysteries.

    Chapter 172: On maʿrifah of a station of tawḥìd and its mysteries.

    Chapter 173: On maʿrifah of a station of seconding - and it is shirk - and its mysteries.

    Chapter 174: On maʿrifah of a station of journey - and it is siyāḥah - and its mysteries.

    Chapter 175: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving the journey and its mysteries.

    Chapter 176: On maʿrifah of the states of the people upon death, based on their stations.

    Chapter 177: On maʿrifah of a station of maʿrifah, depending on the differences there are between the Ṣūfī there and the one who verifies for oneself.

    Chapter 178: On maʿrifah of a station of love and her mysteries.

  • Chapter 179: On maʿrifah of a station of friendship and its mysteries.

    Chapter 180: On maʿrifah of a station of desire and desirousness and their mysteries.

    Chapter 181: On maʿrifah of a station of respecting the teachers and guarding their hearts.

    Chapter 182: On maʿrifah of a station of samāʿ and its mysteries.

    Chapter 183: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving the samāʿ and its mysteries.

    Chapter 184: On maʿrifah of a station of miraculous wonders.

    Chapter 185: On maʿrifah of a station of leaving miraculous wonders.

    Chapter 186: On maʿrifah of a station of breaking conventions.

    Chapter 187: On maʿrifah of a station of miracles and how that action of the miracle workers is a miraculous wonder for the one who is incapable because of a difference in the states.

    Chapter 188: On maʿrifah of a station of the vision, that is, the good tidings (mubāshsharāt).

• The third section is on the aħwāl (changes) •

  • Chapter 189: On maʿrifah of a form of the journeyer.

    Chapter 190: On maʿrifah of the traveler and his states.

    Chapter 191: On maʿrifah of the journey and the path.

    Chapter 192: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl (state) and its mysteries and its Men.

    Chapter 193: On maʿrifah of the maqām (station) and its mysteries.

    Chapter 194: On maʿrifah of the makān (position) and its mysteries.

    Chapter 195: On maʿrifah of roaming and its mysteries.

    Chapter 196: On maʿrifah of risings and their mysteries.

    Chapter 197: On maʿrifah of going out and its mysteries.

    Chapter 198: On maʿrifah of the breath, with fāʾ (nafas), and its mysteries.

  • (begins with Section 11 of Chapter 198)

    Chapter 199: On maʿrifah of the secret and its mysteries.

    Chapter 200: On maʿrifah of joining and its mysteries.

    Chapter 201: On maʿrifah of separation and its mysteries.

    Chapter 202: On maʿrifah of courtesy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 203: On maʿrifah of exercise and its mysteries.

    Chapter 204: On maʿrifah of taḥallā, with the ḥāʾ, and its mysteries.

    Chapter 205: On maʿrifah of takhāllā, with the khāʾ, and its mysteries.

    Chapter 206: On maʿrifah of tajallì, with the jīm, and its mysteries.

    Chapter 207: On maʿrifah of the reason and her mysteries.

    Chapter 208: On maʿrifah of the inziʿāj and its mysteries.

    Chapter 209: On maʿrifah of the visible and her mysteries.

    Chapter 210: On maʿrifah of the one of disclosure and her mysteries.

  • Chapter 211: On maʿrifah of the lawāʾiḥ and her mysteries.

    Chapter 212: On maʿrifah of coloration and its mysteries.

    Chapter 213: On maʿrifah of jealousy and her mysteries.

    Chapter 214: On maʿrifah of confusion and her mysteries.

    Chapter 215: On maʿrifah of the laṭīfah and her mysteries.

    Chapter 216: On maʿrifah of the opening and its mysteries.

    Chapter 217: On maʿrifah of the wasim and the rasam and their mysteries.

    Chapter 218: On maʿrifah of constriction and its mysteries.

    Chapter 219: On maʿrifah of expansion and its mysteries.

    Chapter 220: On maʿrifah of fanāʾ and its mysteries.

    Chapter 221: On maʿrifah of baqāʾ and its mysteries.

    Chapter 222: On maʿrifah of union and its mysteries.

    Chapter 223: On maʿrifah of separation and her mysteries.

    Chapter 224: On maʿrifah of the ʿayn of ruling and its mysteries.

    Chapter 225: On maʿrifah of the excesses and her mysteries.

    Chapter 226: On maʿrifah of desire and her mysteries.

    Chapter 227: On maʿrifah of the state of the one who desires and his secret.

    Chapter 228: On maʿrifah of the one desired and his mysteries.

    Chapter 229: On maʿrifah of stirring energy and her mysteries.

    Chapter 230: On maʿrifah of exile and her mysteries.

    Chapter 231: On maʿrifah of deception and its mysteries.

    Chapter 232: On maʿrifah of istilām and its mysteries.

    Chapter 233: On maʿrifah of raghbat and her mysteries.

    Chapter 234: On maʿrifah of rahbat and her mysteries.

    Chapter 235: On maʿrifah of tawājjid and its mysteries.

    Chapter 236: On maʿrifah of ecstasy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 237: On maʿrifah of wujūd.

    Chapter 238: On maʿrifah of the moment and its mysteries.

    Chapter 239: On maʿrifah of haybat and her mysteries.

    Chapter 240: On maʿrifah of intimacy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 241: On maʿrifah of majesty and its mysteries.

    Chapter 242: On maʿrifah of beauty and its mysteries.

    Chapter 243: On maʿrifah of completion, that is, balance, and that is the heights, and that is also the walls of iron, and that is the stripping off of the force of the attributes from it.

    Chapter 244: On maʿrifah of ghaybat and her mysteries.

    Chapter 245: On maʿrifah of Presence and her mysteries.

    Chapter 246: On maʿrifah of thankfulness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 247: On maʿrifah of ṣaḥwa and its mysteries.

    Chapter 248: On maʿrifah of tasting and its mysteries.

    Chapter 249: On maʿrifah of drinking and its mysteries.

    Chapter 250: On maʿrifah of riyy and its mysteries.

    Chapter 251: On maʿrifah of a lack of riyy for the one who drinks and its mysteries.

    Chapter 252: On maʿrifah of maḥw and its mysteries.

    Chapter 253: On maʿrifah of stability and its mysteries.

    Chapter 254: On maʿrifah of covering and its mysteries.

    Chapter 255: On maʿrifah of the maḥq and maḥq of the maḥq.

    Chapter 256: On maʿrifah of ibdār and its mysteries.

    Chapter 257: On maʿrifah of the maḥāḍarat and her mysteries.

    Chapter 258: On maʿrifah of the glistenings and their mysteries.

    Chapter 259: On maʿrifah of the hujūm and its buwād and their mysteries.

    Chapter 260: On maʿrifah of closeness and its mysteries.

    Chapter 261: On maʿrifah of distance and its mysteries.

    Chapter 262: On maʿrifah of sharìʿah.

    Chapter 263: On maʿrifah of ḥaqīqah.

    Chapter 264: On maʿrifah of khawāṭir.

    Chapter 265: On maʿrifah of wārid.

    Chapter 266: On maʿrifah of shāhid.

    Chapter 267: On maʿrifah of the nafs, with a stop at the fāʾ.

    Chapter 268: On maʿrifah of the spirit.

    Chapter 269: On maʿrifah of the ʿilm al-yaqīn, the ʿayn al-yaqīn, and the ḥaqq al-yaqīn.

 • The fourth section is on the manāzil (alighting places) •

  • Chapter 270: On maʿrifah of a manzil (alighting place) of the Pivot and the Two Imāms from the intimate Muḥammadī conversation.

    Chapter 271: On maʿrifah of a manzil of ‘Upon daybreak, the people commend the night-journey,’ from the intimate Muḥammadī conversation.

    Chapter 272: On maʿrifah of transcending tawḥìd, in which there is this (poem).

    Chapter 273: On maʿrifah of a manzil of destruction of the lower self and soul, from the Mosaic (Moses) maqām.

    Chapter 274: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the appointed lifespan, from the Mosaic maqām.

    Chapter 275: On maʿrifah of a manzil of being cleared from idols, from the Mosaic maqām.

    Chapter 276: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the ḥawḍ and its mysteries, from the Muḥammadī maqām.

    Chapter 277: On maʿrifah of a manzil of denial and avarice and its mysteries, from the maqām of Moses.

    Chapter 278: On maʿrifah of a manzil of intimacy and its mysteries, from the Mosaic maqām, and Muḥammadī.

    Chapter 279: On maʿrifah of a manzil of expression and its mysteries, from the Muḥammadī maqām.

    Chapter 280: On maʿrifah of a manzil of ‘what I have’ and its mysteries, from the Mosaic maqām.

    Chapter 281: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the drawn together and the one (1) taking the place of the entirety, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 282: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a journey of the dead and its mysteries from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 283: On maʿrifah of a manzil of qawāṣim and their mysteries, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 284: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the panoramic mujārāt and her mysteries, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 285: On maʿrifah of a manzil of intimate conversation of the mineral; and whoever reaches it reaches half the Presence, Muḥammadī and Mosaic.

    Chapter 286: On maʿrifah of a manzil of one who was told Be! and refused and did not become, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 287: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the tajallì ʾl-ṣamadānī and its mysteries, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 288: On maʿrifah of a manzil of reciting the firsts, from the Mosaic Presence.

  • Chapter 289: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the knowledge of the one as he was coming from the mother, which is preceded by no knowledge, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 290: On maʿrifah of a manzil of residing in happiness, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 291: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the origin of time, and this is the 4th orbit from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 292: On maʿrifah of a manzil of sharing the unseen and seen world, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 293: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the existence of a reason for the seen world and a reason for the emergence of the unseen world, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 294: On maʿrifah of a manzil of Makkī Muḥammadī, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 295: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the numbers made panoramic, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 296: On maʿrifah of a manzil where the qualities of the people of happiness are transferred to the people of wretchedness, from the Mosaic maqām.

    Chapter 297: On maʿrifah of a manzil of thanāʾ of the evened Adamic clay in the higher maqām, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 298: On maʿrifah of a manzil of dhikr from the upper world in the Muḥammadī Presences.

    Chapter 299: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the punishment of the believers from the Siriyān-type maqām, in the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 300: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a reason for the dividing of the upper world in the Muḥammadī Presences.

    Chapter 301: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the Book divided between the people of good fortune and the people of torment.

    Chapter 302: On maʿrifah of a manzil of an exit of the upper world and the coming into being of the lower world.

    Chapter 303: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the Gabriel-ʿárif, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 304: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the preference of the richly independent over the dependent, from the Mosaic maqām, and the preference of the dependent over the independent, from the Jesus Presence.

    Chapter 305: On maʿrifah of a manzil of successive moments onto the hearts of Men, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

  • Chapter 306: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the quarrel of the higher hosts, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 307: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the angelic descent to the Muḥammadī halt, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 308: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the mixture of the All-World, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 309: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the malāmīyah, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 310: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the spirit-being ṣilṣilah, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 311: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the nawāshiʾl-ikhtiṣāṣīyah al-ghiyyah, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 312: On maʿrifah of a manzil of how revelation descends on the hearts of the awliyāʾ, and their guarding of that from the satans, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 313: On maʿrifah of a manzil of crying and weeping, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 314: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the difference between degrees of angels and prophets and awliyāʾ, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 315: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the necessity of torment, from the unseen Muḥammadī (Q has ‘presence’ for ‘unseen’).

    Chapter 316: On maʿrifah of qāsimīyah qualities drawn by the Divine Pen on the Guarded Tablet of humanity, from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 317: On maʿrifah of a manzil of assaying and its blessing, and that is a manzil of the Imām who is at the right hand of the Pivot, and that is a manzil of Abū Madyan, God be pleased with him, who was in Bijāyah.

    Chapter 318: On maʿrifah of naskh (abrogation) of the Muḥammadī sharìʿah by selfish biases, God protect us - and you - from that!

    Chapter 319: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a release of the soul from a binding to one of many perspectives of the sharìʿah, by another of her perspectives; and that abandoning the mechanism for procuring provision, from a path of reliance, is a mechanism for procuring the provision; and that the one so described does not depart from the shackles of mechanisms (asbāb, secondary causes).

    Chapter 320: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the tasbīḥ of the two grips and their differentiation.

    Chapter 321: On maʿrifah of a manzil of one who differentiates between the unseen world and the seen world, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 322: On maʿrifah of a manzil of one who pledges to the True by creation, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 323: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the good news of the one who gives the good news and the one who gets the good news, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 324: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the union between men and women in some Divine contexts, and it is from the ʿĀṣimīyah Presence.

    Chapter 325: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the Qurʾān, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

  • Chapter 326: On maʿrifah of a manzil of taḥāwar and munāziʿah, and it is from the Muḥammadī and Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 327: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the muddi and the naṣīf, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 328: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the dispelling of the riders of borrowed horses, when assayed, back to the elements, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presences.

    Chapter 329: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the favor and the exclusive focus on the test, and this is from the Muḥammadī Presences.

    Chapter 330: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the Moon from crescent to full, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 331: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the dream, and the power of her, and the ascent, the lowering, the casting, and the suspension, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 332: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the ḥirāsat of the Divine for the people of the Muḥammadī maqāmāt, and it is from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 333: On maʿrifah of a manzil: ‘I created things for your sake and I created you for My sake, so do not rend the curtain of what I created for My sake with what I created for your sake,’ and it is from the Muḥammadī Presences.

    Chapter 334: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the renewal of non-being, and it is from the Mosaic Presences.

    Chapter 335: On maʿrifah of a manzil of friendship, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 336: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the pledge of the plants to the Pivot, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 337: On maʿrifah of a manzil of Muḥammad with some of the world, and it is from the Mosaic Presences.

    Chapter 338: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the ʿaqabāt and the suwayq and its mysteries, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 339: On maʿrifah of a manzil: ‘I pulled up the sharìʿah before the truth seeking extension,’ from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 340: On maʿrifah of a manzil which has something hidden of Messenger of God and what he hid, and it is from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 341: On maʿrifah of a manzil of taqlīd in the mysteries, and it is from the Mosaic Presence.

  • Chapter 342: On maʿrifah of a manzil of two secrets separated into three mysteries combining them in a single Presence, from the Presences of the Revelation, and it is from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 343: On maʿrifah of a manzil of two secrets in the separated Revelation, from a Presence of a praise of the kingdom, all of it.

    Chapter 344: On maʿrifah of a manzil of two secrets of the mysteries of forgiveness, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 345: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a secret of ikhlāṣ in the religion, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 346: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a secret confirmed by some ʿárifīn, and its light was seen, and how it was sent out from sides of this manzil to one. And it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 347: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the first row (line) with God and the Divine shakk, and the fatḥ khabīr, and what came down on that day - the mysteries - and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 348: On maʿrifah of a manzil of two secrets of the mysteries of the heart of jamʿ and wujūd, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 349: On maʿrifah of a manzil of opening of the doors and their locking closed, and the quality of each community, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 350: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the understandable tajallì, and lifting the veil from the meanings, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence, from the name ‘the Cherisher’.

    Chapter 351: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the commonality of souls and spirits in the (prayer) rows, and it is from the Presence of Muḥammadī ghayrat, from the name al-wadūd.

    Chapter 352: On maʿrifah of a manzil of mysteries of an overseeing image-making talisman, from the Presence of Muḥammadī descents.

  • Chapter 353: On maʿrifah of a manzil of mysteries of an overseeing wisdom talisman, pointing to maʿrifah of the reason for fulfilling its due, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 354: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the outermost Siriyānī, and it is from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 355: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the paths of generation and the earth of worship and her vastness, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 356: On maʿrifah of a manzil of three mysteries concealed, and a strange secret with Divine courtesy, and nafsī revelation, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 357: On maʿrifah of a manzil of animals, from the Divine Presence, and their being compelled under two Mosaic secrets.

    Chapter 358: On maʿrifah of a manzil of three mysteries of different lights, and the fleeing and the warning and the authentic reports. And from this manzil, I speak of the poetry (shiʿr) from a retreat I entered in and was bestowed therein, and it is one of the strangest of manāzil, and the one most filled with lights.

    Chapter 359: On maʿrifah of a manzil: ‘You hark - I mean you, but listen, neighbor’, and it is a manzil of the differentiation of the command and the form being concealed in kashf, from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 360: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the praiseworthy darknesses and the visible lights, and the attachment to one who is among the people of the House by the people of the House, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 361: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the commonality with the True in taqdīr, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 362: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the sajdatayn, a sujūd of the whole and the part - and that is a sujūd of the heart and the face - and what there is there of mysteries. And it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

  • Chapter 363: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the assigning of the ʿárif who does not know something to another who is below him in order to teach him what he does not have the capacity to learn by himself, and a descent of al-bārīyʾu from delight and joy, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 364: On maʿrifah of a manzil of two talismanic secrets; who recognizes them is given rest in this world and the next, and the ghayrat of the Divine, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 365: On maʿrifah of a manzil of talismanic mysteries linked in the Compassionate Presence for one whose maqām and state are hidden from existents, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 366: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the Mahdī’s viziers coming in the last time period which announced Messenger of God , and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 367: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the five reliances which are not revealed to anyone of the verifiers because of a paucity of receivers and a constriction of understanding to perceive it, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 368: On maʿrifah of a manzil of atā and lam yaʾti, and a presence of the command alone, and the genus of the world to which was revealed its command perpetually, and what there is there of mysteries, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 369: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the openings of the treasures and the effusive generosity, and the trace of the seen world in the unseen world based on the unseen world, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

  • Chapter 370: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the increase of a secret and two secrets, from the mysteries of wujūd and tabaddul, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 371: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a secret of three mysteries for a ummīyah revelation, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 372: On maʿrifah of a manzil of a secret of two secrets, and your praise of you with what is not yours, and the response of the True to you in that meaning dimension, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

  • Chapter 373: On maʿrifah of a manzil of three mysteries appearing in the water ‘rendered valid,’ ‘providing detail,’ composed in the world of grace, and the lasting of the world forever and ever, even if its form transfers, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 374: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the dream vision and the sighting and the suwābiq of things in the Cherisher-based Presence, and that the kuffār have a footing there just as the believers have a footing there, and the stance of each group over its foot and the arrival of their leader with justice and excellence, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 375: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the imaginal taḍāhī and the world of truths and mixtures, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 376: On maʿrifah of a manzil of combining the friends and the enemies in the Wisdom-based Presence, and the fighting in the unseen world, some of them with others. This manzil includes 1,000 maqāmāt, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 377: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the standing sujūd and ṣidq and majid and pearls and walls, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 378: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the animal community and the calculation, and the three higher mysteries, and the before and after, and the after and the before, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 379: On maʿrifah of a manzil of loosening and binding, and ikrām and ihānah, and the formatting of a duʿāʾ in the form of reports, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 380: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the ‘ʿulamāʾ are inheritors of the prophets’, and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 381: On maʿrifah of a manzil of tawḥìd and jamʿ, and this is what is surrounding 5,000 maqāmāt based on rafrafā; and the perfection of his vision, whoever sees it in the middle of the month or in its latter part; and it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 382: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the khawātim and the number of Divine brides and the mysteries of the aʿjamīyah, and it is from the Mosaic Presence.

    Chapter 383: On maʿrifah of a manzil of the whole greatest for the great ones, and it is from the Muḥammadī selects’ Presence.

 • The fifth section is on the munázalát (meeting places) •

  • Chapter 384: On maʿrifah of munāzalāt al-khaṭābīyah, and it is from a secret of His word, It is not for the human that God speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil. And it is from the Muḥammadī Presence.

    Chapter 385: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who makes abject is beaten, and who holds contemptible is frustrated.

    Chapter 386: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of the jugular vein and the ipseity of His being with (you wherever you are).

    Chapter 387: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of arrogant humility.

    Chapter 388: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of the unknowable with the ʿabd, and that is when one is lifted without appointment to seek what one seeks from the True.

    Chapter 389: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: My sacred relationship to your being, and your sacred relationship to My being.

    Chapter 390: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The time period of a thing is its being, except for Me, as there is no time period for Me at all; you, you have no time; and you are My time and I am your time.

    Chapter 391: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The torrential path upon which the feet of the seeking Men are not stable.

    Chapter 392: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Whoever is kind, We are kind to him. And who is not kind, We are still kind to him; then We are angry at him and forget him.

    Chapter 393: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Whoever stands before the vision is not afraid of destruction.

    Chapter 394: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who is made good-mannered connects, and who connects does not return, even if he is without good manners.

    Chapter 395: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who enters My Presence and his life remains, his solace is on Me for the death of his companion.

    Chapter 396: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who combines the wisdom and the knowledge, I veil him from Me.

    Chapter 397: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: To Him raise the words of purity, and the integrated actions He raises.

    Chapter 398: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who lectures the people does not recognize Me, and who reminds them recognizes Me.

    Chapter 399: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of a manzil: Anyone who enters it, his neck is struck, and no one remains at all except him who entered it.

    Chapter 400: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who is visible to Me, I am invisible to him, and who stands before My limits, I teach him.

    Chapter 401: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The dead and the living have no way to see My vision.

    Chapter 402: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who fights for Me, I fight for him; and who fights him fights Me; but covering him in reconciliation is better.

    Chapter 403: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: There is no final word I have against My devout slave; I say to any one of them only, ‘Why did you do that?’ and he says to Me, ‘You did that!’ And the True said, ‘But the knowledge of what is predestined is prior and does not change.’

    Chapter 404: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who treats his flock harshly rushes toward the destruction of his kingdom, and who is easy with them remains a king. Each master who kills one of his slaves has killed the mastership of his mastery, except Me. So consider!

    Chapter 405: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: One who makes his heart m My house and empties him from other than Me; no one perceives what I provide him; thus they do not compare him to the populated house, because that one is a house of My angelic host, not My house, and because of this My friend does not reside there. No, My house is the heart of My slave, which is vast enough for me, while My Earth and My heavens are too constricting of Me.

    Chapter 406: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Nothing comes from Me at all on account of something, and it is not appropriate that it should so come out.

    Chapter 407: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The quickest of glances surreptitiously glanced at Me. If you look to other than Me, it is not going to weaken Me, but it is going to weaken you.

    Chapter 408: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: It is the Sabbath day, so loosen the wrapper of the new which is difficult for you; the cosmos has finished with Me and I have finished with it.

    Chapter 409: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: My Names are veils before you; if you raise them, you reach Me.

    Chapter 410: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Indeed the end is to your Lord. Honor the Lord; by this you will ascend.

  • Chapter 411: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The book went before him and he entered the Fire. It is from a presence: He almost entered the Fire. They feared the Book but they did not fear Me, and indeed (in this) I and you are the same.

    Chapter 412: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who is Mine is not humiliated, and one is not disgraced ever.

    Chapter 413: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who asks Me does not leave from My predestination, and who does not ask Me does leave from My predestination.

    Chapter 414: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: We do not see except by a veil.

    Chapter 415: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who calls Me has fulfilled his ʿubūdīyah, and who has been just to himself has been just to Me.

    Chapter 416: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: An ʿayn of the heart.

    Chapter 417: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Whose reward is on God.

    Chapter 418: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who does not understand is not reached by anything.

    Chapter 419: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The ṣukūk.

    Chapter 420: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Takhalluṣ from the maqāmāt.

    Chapter 421: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who seeks the connection to Me from the perspective of proof and demonstration does not reach Me ever, because nothing resembles Me.

    Chapter 422: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who returns to Me my action has given Me my due.

    Chapter 423: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who is jealous of Me is not remembering Me.

    Chapter 424: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: I love for you to stay with Me, but you love to return to your people, so wait until atashaffā minka wa ḥaynaʾidhan tamarra ʿannī.

    Chapter 425: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who seeks knowledge, I avert his sight from Me.

    Chapter 426: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of the secret which he said when he was asked about his vision of his Cherisher and he said, ‘As light I saw Him.’

    Chapter 427: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of two bow-lengths.

    Chapter 428: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of the understanding of the inniyyatayn.

    Chapter 429: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who belittles My majesty, I come down on him; and who magnifies Me, I magnify him.

    Chapter 430: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: If I confuse you, I connect you to Me.

    Chapter 431: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Whom I veil, he is veiled.

    Chapter 432: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: ‘I wear nothing but You’ - so recognize your true measure. This is strange; a thing does not recognize itself!

    Chapter 433: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Look, what tajallì do you lack? You did not ask Me, so I gave it to you; I cannot find who took it.

    Chapter 434: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: ‘If I please’ does not veil you, because I do not want distance: so stabilize.

    Chapter 435: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: I take the bond to myself; one moment I fulfill it, and one moment I do not fulfill it, and you did not oppose.

    Chapter 436: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: If you were with people the way you are with Me, they would not worship Me.

    Chapter 437: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who recognizes his portion of My Law recognizes his portion of Me, because you are with Me as I am with you - that is, a single step-level.

    Chapter 438: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who recites My word sees My clouds, in them lamps of My angels descending upon one and in one; and when you are still, from him one travels and I am visited.

    Chapter 439: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The second of two bow-lengths.

    Chapter 440: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The strongest pillar is one whose heart is capable of My vision.

    Chapter 441: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The eyes of the hearts of the ʿárifīn gaze at what is with Me, not at Me.

    Chapter 442: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who sees Me and is aware that he sees Me, he does not see Me.

    Chapter 443: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of the obligation of maʿrifah-based ʿirfānī kashf (disclosure based on sudden recognition).

    Chapter 444: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The one for whom I prescribe a book of pure contract is never wretched.

    Chapter 445: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Do you recognize My friends whom I have made well-mannered based on My good manners?

    Chapter 446: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The filling of the raising night of the hearts of goodnesses.

    Chapter 447: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who enters the presence of purity speaks from Me.

    Chapter 448: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: The one to whom I reveal things (which are with Me) is astonished, so how can he seek to see Me?

    Chapter 449: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: My creature is not someone to worship My creature.

    Chapter 450: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who is stabilized for My visible emergence, it is by Me not by him. My being extolled is by him not by Me, and this truth and the first are figurative.

    Chapter 451: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: In the exit places is a maʿrifah of the ascents.

    Chapter 452: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: My word, all of it, is a warning to My creatures if they take advice.

    Chapter 453: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: My generosity is not spent on you in regard to assets. And the generosity of My generosity, I did not gift it to you based on your forgiveness of your brother for his sin against you.

    Chapter 454: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: A stranger is not capable of being with Us in Our Presence; rather, the goodness belongs only to the close relations.

    Chapter 455: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Whom I approach with My outwardness does not ascend ever, and whom I approach with My inwardness does not have wretchedness ever, and vice versa.

    Chapter 456: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Who is moved upon hearing My word has heard.

    Chapter 457: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of absolute obligation.

    Chapter 458: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of perceiving the glorious.

    Chapter 459: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: They are, with Us, truly of the elect and the good.

    Chapter 460: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah of islām, iḥsān, īmān, and an iḥsān of iḥsān.

    Chapter 461: On maʿrifah of a munāzalah: Whom the curtain of My protective shield has fallen over, such a person is one of My special ones; he recognizes no one and no one recognizes him.

 • The sixth section is on the maqámát (stations) •

  • Chapter 462: On maʿrifah of the Muḥammadī Pivots and their manāzil.

    Chapter 463: On maʿrifah of the 12 Pivots, and they are the ones around whom revolve the celestial orbits of the universe.

    Chapter 464: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the Pivot of the Muḥammadī Pivots whose manzil is: No god but God.

    Chapter 465: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: God is great.

    Chapter 466: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Extol God beyond!

    Chapter 467: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Praise belongs to God.

    Chapter 468: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Praise belongs to God with every moment.

    Chapter 469: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: I commit my action to God.

    Chapter 470: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: I created the jinn and the humans only to worship Me.

    Chapter 471: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Say: If you love God, then obey me; God will love you.

    Chapter 472: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Give good news to My slaves, who hear the word and follow its goodness.

    Chapter 473: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Your god is a single god.

    Chapter 474: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: What is with you leaves and what is with God stays.

    Chapter 475: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who magnifies the symbols of God, it comes from the awareness of hearts.

    Chapter 476: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: When it is explained to him that he was an enemy to God, he cleared himself of him. The might and the power belong to God. No might and no power except by God.

    Chapter 477: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Let them aspire, the ones who aspire. For the like of this let them strive who strive.

    Chapter 478: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: If there is but the weight of a mustard seed and it were in a rock, or in the heavens or in the Earth, God would bring it out; God is laṭīf (all-aware).

    Chapter 479: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who honors the sacred rites of God, it is something good in the sight of his Lord. Roll up your sleeves (dear reader), because this is an important matter!

    Chapter 480: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: We gave him wisdom as an infant.

    Chapter 481: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Indeed, God does not suffer to perish the reward of one of good deeds.

    Chapter 482: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who submits his face to God, he is a doer of good and has grasped the ʿurwati ʾl-wuthqā, and to God is the end of all matters.

    Chapter 483: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: He has succeeded who purifies her (the soul), and he has failed who pollutes her.

    Chapter 484: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: until the (breath) reaches the throat, and you are just watching.

    Chapter 485: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who wants the life of this world and her vanities, We shall pay to them their deeds there, and they will be undiminished.

    Chapter 486: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who has disobeyed God and His Messenger has erred with a clear error.

    Chapter 487: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who practices one of the righteous deeds, male or female, while he is a believer, We give him life, a pure life.

    Chapter 488: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Do not strain your eyes to what We gave for enjoyment to pairs of them, the splendor of this world, so We would test them; the provision of your Lord is better and more lasting.

    Chapter 489: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Your wealth and your offspring are a trial.

    Chapter 490: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Grievously odious is it in the sight of God that you say what you do not do.

    Chapter 491: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Do not exult, for God does not love those who exult.

    Chapter 492: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: He alone knows the Unseen, and He does not display His Unseen to anyone, except someone chosen as a messenger.

    Chapter 493: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Say: All things are from God, but what has come to these people that they fail to understand a single fact?

    Chapter 494: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Of His slaves, the ones who fear God are the ones who know.

    Chapter 495: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who turns back among you from his religion and dies a disbeliever.

    Chapter 496: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: They do not measure God with His true measure.

  • Chapter 497: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Most of them do not believe in God, except they associate partners with Him.

    Chapter 498: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who fears God, He makes for him a way out.

    Chapter 499: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: There is nothing like Him.

    Chapter 500: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: And who says among them, I am a god besides Him, We reward with Jahannam.

    Chapter 501: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Other than to God would you call, if you are truthful?

    Chapter 502: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Do not betray the trust of God and the Messenger, nor betray your sacred trust, if you know.

    Chapter 503: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: They were commanded only to worship God, devoting purely to Him the religion, as pure (Abrahamic) worshipers.

    Chapter 504: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Say: Allāh, then leave them to plunge in vain discourse and trifling.

    Chapter 505: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Be patient for the command of your Lord, because you are in Our Eyes.

    Chapter 506: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: They scheme and God schemes, but God is the better schemer.

    Chapter 507: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Does he not know that God sees?

    Chapter 508: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: God is the walī of the ones who believe, bringing them out of the depths of darknesses to the light.

    Chapter 509: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: And what you spend on something, He replaces it; and He is the best of the providers.

    Chapter 510: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: I will turn them from My signs, the ones who, without any right, are arrogant on the Earth.

    Chapter 511: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Be aware of God and God will teach you; If you are aware of God, God will make for you a criterion.

    Chapter 512: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: As often as their skins are roasted through, We will alternate them with another skin to taste the torment.

    Chapter 513: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: A mention of the kindness of your Lord to His slave Zakarīyah; He called to his Lord with a hidden call.

    Chapter 514: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who puts his trust in God, He will suffice him.

    Chapter 515: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: David guessed that We had tried him, so he asked forgiveness of his Lord and fell down prostrate, and turning.

    Chapter 516: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, and your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, or the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than God, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause, then wait until God brings about His command. So flee to God.

    Chapter 517: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Until the Earth constricted them for all its spaciousness, and their souls seemed straitened to them, and they perceived that there is no fleeing from God but to Him.

    Chapter 518: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Until fear is removed from their hearts and they say, What is it that your Lord said? They will say, That which is true, and He is the Highest, the Greatest.

    Chapter 519: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Respond to God and to the Messenger when He calls you to that which gives you life; and know that God comes between the man and his heart; and to Him is the gathering.

    Chapter 520: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: They respond, the ones who listen.

    Chapter 521: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: And take a provision, because the best of provisions is being aware of Me; so be aware.

    Chapter 522: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Those who dispense their charity with their hearts full of fear, because they will return to their Lord: it is these who hasten in every good word, and they are the foremost in them.

    Chapter 523: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who is fearful of a station of his Lord.

    Chapter 524: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Say: If the ocean were ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would be exhausted before the words of my Lord, even if we add another ocean like it.

    Chapter 525: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Who crosses the limits of God has darkened his own soul; you do not know if perhaps God will bring about thereafter some new situation.

    Chapter 526: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: If We had not given you strength, you would have nearly inclined to them a little; then We should have made you taste an equal portion in this life and an equal portion in death.

    Chapter 527: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: And keep your soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His face; and let not your eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this life; nor obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds. Say: The truth is from your Lord. Let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject.

    Chapter 528: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: A recompense of an evil for an evil like it.

    Chapter 529: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: From the land that is clean and good, by the will of its Cherisher, springs up produce, rich after its kind; but from the land that is bad springs up nothing but that which is miserly.

    Chapter 530: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: They may hide from men, but they cannot hide from God, seeing that He is with them when they plot by night in words that He cannot approve.

    Chapter 531: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: In whatever business you may be, and whatever portion you may be reciting from the Qurʾān, and whatever deed you may be doing, We are witnesses thereof when you are deeply engrossed therein.

    Chapter 532: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Verily, the prayer is prescribed with timings for the believers.

    Chapter 533: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: When My slaves ask you about Me, I am close; I listen to the prayer of the entreating when they entreat Me, so let them respond to Me.

    Chapter 534: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: You are upon a magnificent nature.

    Chapter 535: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: The ones who remember God, standing, sitting, and on their sides.

    Chapter 536: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: To any that desires the tilth of this world, We grant somewhat thereof; but he has no share in the next world to receive.

    Chapter 537: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: You feared the people, but God is more rightfully feared.

    Chapter 538: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Therefore stand firm as you are commanded, you and those who with you turn (to God); and do not transgress, for He sees all that you do.

    Chapter 539: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Hasten to God; I am from Him a warner to you, clear, and make not another as an object of worship with God; I am from Him a warner to you, clear.

    Chapter 540: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: If only they had had patience until you could come out to them, it would have been better.

    Chapter 541: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: For, whoever of you has committed evil, him shall We cause to taste great suffering.

    Chapter 542: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Whoever is blind (of heart) in this world will be blind in the life to come and still farther astray from the path.

    Chapter 543: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Hence, accept whatever the Messenger gives you and refrain from demanding anything that he withholds from you.

    Chapter 544: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready.

    Chapter 545: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Prostrate and come closer.

    Chapter 546: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Therefore shun those who turn away from Our message.

    Chapter 547: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Hence, proclaim openly all that you have been bidden to say, and leave alone all those who ascribe Divinity to aught besides God.

    Chapter 548: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Remember Me; I will remember you.

    Chapter 549: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Now as for him who believes himself to be rich, to him did you give your whole attention.

    Chapter 550: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: As soon as the Sustainer revealed His glory to the mountain, He caused it to crumble to dust; and Moses fell down in a swoon.

    Chapter 551: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: And God will behold your deeds, and His Messenger.

    Chapter 552: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: If then after having sinned against themselves, they would but come round to you and ask God to forgive them, with the Messenger.

    Chapter 553: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: God is behind them, encompassing.

    Chapter 554: On the quality of the person to whom is transferred the meaning of the seal of prophecy and its secret, such as the zirr al-ḥajalat in its meaning, and his manzil is: Think not that those who exult in what they have thus contrived, and who love to be praised for what they have not done, think not that they will escape suffering; for grievous suffering does await them, and they are in it (the suffering).

    Chapter 555: On maʿrifah of the reason why I am prevented from citing the remaining one of the Pivots from our time period, this - until the Day of Arising.

    Chapter 556: On maʿrifah of the ḥāl of the quṭb whose manzil is: Blessed is the one in whose hands is the kingdom.

    Chapter 557: On maʿrifah of the seal of the awliyāʾ in absolute terms.

  • Chapter 558: On maʿrifah of the names which belong to the inaccessible Lord, and what is permitted to be attached to a phrase, and what is not permitted.

  • (Chapter 558 continued)

  • Chapter 559: On maʿrifah of secrets and truths of the different manāzil. This chapter is like an abridgment for the chapters of this book; in each chapter here there is our (technical) statement: ‘And part of that is’. There are three or four (of these additions).

  • (Chapter 559 continued)

  • Chapter 560, concerning good counsel f which is based on wisdom, Law, and the Divine: the aspirant who stays with her will benefit from her, and this is the last of the chapters of this book.