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Course length: 2-3 months.

A total of 6 sessions (1 hour, 30-minute Q&A); we are meeting every other week. After that, there will be a new registration for a continued reading.

Recordings: All course participants receive recordings of all the sessions.

Fee: 82 £ per course (equiv. ±98 EUR // ±107 USD).

Enroll Now

Course length: 2-3 months.

A total of 6 sessions (1 hour, 30-minute Q&A); we are meeting every other week. After that, there will be a new registration for a continued reading.

Recordings: All course participants receive recordings of all the sessions.

Fee: 82 £ per course (equiv. ±98 EUR // ±107 USD).

Course length: 2-3 months.

A total of 6 sessions (1 hour, 30-minute Q&A); we are meeting every other week. After that, there will be a new registration for a continued reading.

Recordings: All course participants receive recordings of all the sessions.

Fee: 82 £ per course (equiv. ±98 EUR // ±107 USD).